[FoNC] Other business

rjmwilson at freeuk.com rjmwilson at freeuk.com
Mon Mar 11 17:50:54 UTC 2019

Re planting, I’d like to suggest a mass planting of crocuses at the far 
end  of the cemetery (Lady Road) where, through the wire netting, the 
passing public could see a nice display. Hopefully this might foster 
local interest in the cemetery. It would need ? 100’s of bulbs.

The last tree, central in the cemetery at the Lady Road end, has a white 
cross emblazoned on its trunk. What does this mean? It seems a nice 
mature tree.

At a rough count the Jewish section of the cemetery is missing ~30 
railings, not counting those with their heads knocked off ( I presume 
there is no plan to replace the them).
Has this info been passed to the Parks Department who sometime ago were 
looking into providing replacements? Exact dimensions need to be 
supplied so that an appropriate match is made. In the meantime, 
refurbishment of the existing railings is a big task that needs to be 
undertaken as weather permits. Can plans be made re scraping down and 
painting in sections? I have a wire brush to remove debris but are we 
into an undercoat or just a one off?

I suggest that a party of four MEN might traverse the cemetery with 
ropes or other tackle  giving leverage to try to reposition small 
movable stones into better alignment. In other words, try to reduce the 
haphazard mess.

I have (in Galloway) an old fashioned push lawnmower that I’d be willing 
to lend for the tool collection ( NOTE. I might have to retrieve it if I 
have an emergency). I have in mind keeping the grass in the planted area 
at the entrance in better shape. It tends to get overgrown and messy and 
this area is very open to public view. I need to know one way or the 
other so that I can bring it back to Edinburgh.

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