[FoNC] FW: Friends of Cemetery Groups Guidance

Tony Harris alltnasubh at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Dec 1 10:36:21 UTC 2021

Dear All,

I have previously referred to this guidance when it was in draft and it has
now been approved.  I have asked for it to be put under ³About Us² and
³Statement² on our website <www.newington-cemetery.org.uk> so that we can
all access it, as we are now bound by it in our activities to do with the
cemetery.  I have not attached it to avoid exceeding capacity.   In Robbie¹s
email he makes a couple of other points and if you let me have any comments
on whether any of our activities might be problematic I will collate and
pass these on to him.     On trees which might be at risk, if you see
anything presenting a new risk after the recent storm I am sure if you let
Ellen or Carolyn know they will collate and pass information to Robbie as
may be.necessary.

Best wishes,


From:  Robbie Beattie <Robbie.Beattie at edinburgh.gov.uk>
Date:  Tuesday, 30 November 2021 at 18:02
To:   Friends of Cemetery Groups
Subject:  RE: Friends of Cemetery Groups Guidance

Dear Friends,
I am pleased to say that the Friends of Cemetery Group guidance was approved
earlier this month by the Culture & Communities committee.
Now that we have guidance to follow it would be useful to do a reset of the
activities that various Friends Groups do to ensure that they are consistent
and compliant with the guidance. I should be grateful if each group could
please submit a list of all their activities. We can then assess if any
activities fall into the amber category and if appropriate formally approve
Off at a tangent we have lost a few trees due to Storm Arwen. With the
trunks snapped revealing a hollow centre it is clear why they failed. It
would be very useful if Friends Groups could please flag up any trees in
their cemetery with mushrooms/fungi growing in a circle around the trunk
which may indicate it is essentially dead and may fail soon. Our Forestry
team may have marked them with a white circle for pruning or white cross for
removal. Thanks for your help.
And finally I hope that all those that are participating are having fun
planting Spring bulbs. I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labour
next year.  
Many thanks for the great work that you do in supporting our cemeteries
which is very much appreciated

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