[WGNC] Work party Mondays

Carolyn Walker carolynwalker24 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 20:54:55 UTC 2024

I regret I won’t make the work party days until July. One of my classes has been moved to Monday mornings, so like Dennis with his Yoga, I won’t make the group for a while. 

However William and I will still do our bit, probably on Monday afternoons. We shall certainly carry on at the catacombs and may even tackle some small examples of wandering laurel elsewhere in the cemetery. 

I have been planting Vinca (periwinkle) all over the place. You should see some of the blue flowers soon. 

Please don’t cut off the arching stems of wild rose emerging from the brambles on the soil pile beside the military wall. Hopefully some will flower this year. I’m just amazed any have managed to force their way through the bramble tangles. 

Have fun, don’t strain your backs, and I’ll catch up with Mondays again come the summer. 
Best, Carolyn

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