[WGNC] FW: Wed 7 July next brolly meeting - additional discussion items

Tony Harris alltnasubh at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jul 9 17:22:24 UTC 2021

The Agenda with attached papers referred to in the email just sent,


From:  Susan Buckham <susanb at ewht.org.uk>
Date:  Monday, 5 July 2021 at 15:26
Cc:  Caroline Gerard <caroline.gerard at btinternet.com>
Subject:  Wed 7 July next brolly meeting - additional discussion items

Hello All,

I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday evening at our
Brolly meeting (see link below). I've received a couple more items for

Discussion Items 
1. EWH training workshops content and dates
2. Update from Robbie Beattie on
> 1. CEC HLF bid
> 2. CEC Guidelines for Friends of Groups (draft attached)
> 3. CEC Draft management (draft attached) rules Robbie is keen to understand
> thoughts on the modern grave embellishment
3. South Queensferry Friends Group maintenance action and wish list - advice
5. Doors Open Day linking graveyard events
6. Edinburgh Greenspace Forum update
7. Brolly News

I wondered whether it would be worth allocating up to 10 minutes per
discussion item to make sure we don't keep anyone from their tea? Finally,
in case of interest a recording of Saturday's Greyfriars conference is now
available on the EWH Youtube channel

All good wishes

Zoom Invite
Topic: Brolly meeting of Edinburgh Graveyard Friends
Time: Jul 7, 2021 06:30 PM London

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